
The Essex Town Council is a 5-member board responsible for overseeing the governance of the town and its hamlets. The Essex Town Supervisor is elected for a 2-year term while each Town Council Member is elected for a 4-year term. There are no term limits.

Current members of the Town Council include:

  • Erin Hall (2022-2025)

  • Ken Hughes (2024-2025) - Supervisor

  • Scott Hurlburt (2022-2025)

  • Ronald E. Jackson (2024-2027) - Deputy Supervisor

  • Paul Versnick (2024-2027)

  • Alicia Kelly (2024-2025) is the official Clerk to the Town Council. The Town Clerk participates in all aspects of our meetings and is responsible for keeping the official record of what transpires during Town Council deliberations and discussion.

If you wish to send an email to the entire board, you may do so by clicking here.

The Essex Town Council meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2313 Main Street in Essex. Meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Law and are open to the public. The public is afforded the opportunity to address the Town Council during these public meetings.